DECEMBER 20th & 21st, 2025

**Central Arkansas**

Get your team together and come get your Adventure On!!

Panel 1

Race Information

Race Date

December 20th & 21st, 2025

Race Location

We are excited to be in the Central Region of Arkansas for the 2025 Race. Check out Little Rock Convention & Visitors Bureau for lodging and dining options.

Race Courses

There will be two course options: an 8 hour intermediate course and a 24 hour advanced course. Each course will require advanced navigation. You can find more information  on the drop down menu of the Race Information tab. Stay tuned for updates for each race.

Race Fees

8 HOUR COURSE: Registration opens March 24th
Early Bird (ends May 24th at 11:59PM): $100 per racer
Right On Time (ends August 24th at 11:59PM): $125 per racer
Getting Close to Late (ends on Nov 24th 11:59PM): $150 per racer
Now I’m Late  – Registration Closes (Dec 19th): $200 per racer
24 HOUR COURSE: Registration opens March 24th
Early Bird (ends May 24th at 11:59PM): $225 per racer
Right On Time (August 24th at 11:59PM): $250 per racer
Getting Close to Late (ends on Nov 24th 11:59PM): $275 per racer
Now I’m Late – Registration Closes (Dec 19th): $325 per racer

Guaranteed to be an unforgettable experience!


There will be multiple race divisions – 4 person, 3 person, 2 person, and solo. Subdivisions of the 4 person category will be the premier, masters, and open divisions.

  • The Premier Division will be 3 or 4 person co-ed teams for the 24 hour course only.
  • The Masters Division will be 3 or 4 person co-ed teams for the 24 hour course only.
    • To qualify for the Masters Division, every member of the team must be at least 40 years old.
  • All other team combinations will fall into the Open Division. There are no age limits for team members. There is a Solo Division for each race. Solo racers racing in the 24 hour race must submit a resume to the Raid the Rock race director before registering. Racer must be at least sixteen (18) years of age to participate in the Solo Division. The same rules apply to solo racers as team racers.

Support crews are OPTIONAL for ALL RACES.

**Only the winners of the Premier Division and the 24 hour Solo will have their names added to “The Rock”.

Registration fees include:

  • Raid the Rock shirt for each racer
  • Post Race meal for each team member and two Support Crew members
  • Use of the provided canoe, PFDs, and paddles
  • Maps
  • Entry into one great race


Little Rock and the surrounding area has several lodging options. Check out for more information.

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